Who Dana Guides & SUPPORTs

Dana works with students and families as early as 9th grade through college graduation. Whether in public or private high school, looking to transfer to a new college, or preparing for graduate and professional school, Dana believes the experience of preparing for the future should be empowering, not daunting. She will work with individuals and families come from communities across the U.S. and abroad in-person or virtually.

Our client roster includes:

Dana’s experience as a school-based college counselor was largely spent in Jewish day schools and over the years, she has learned a lot about colleges that are appealing for Jewish students from various denominations. Her expertise is knowing colleges that have the largest population of Jewish students, but more importantly, which colleges provide a quality Jewish life that appeals to the individual needs of the applicant.

Additionally, as Dana is tuned into the individualized educational journey for each student, she has developed an understanding about how to effectively support neurodiverse students to navigate the college landscape in order to ensure a seamless transition and experience while in college. This also includes students who are seeking to live within a sober community and want appropriate support programs to ensure a healthy lifestyle can be obtained while pursuing a college education.

For students seeking graduate education, Dana has helped students with medical school, law school, MBA, and many other graduate program admissions and she has an understanding of countless other disciplines and what is required for an outstanding application.

Dana has developed an expertise and interest in the following areas of higher education:

Dana’s clients extend beyond the student and their families. Throughout the past 11 years, she has supported many organizations to help grow and enhance their college counseling programs to ensure their impact reaches more students who need great preparation for college. 

Many of these programs include: